Why choose our Regulatory Training lawyers?
Our trainers draw on many years of experience with all aspects of investigating and presenting conduct and fitness to practise cases, as well as sitting as legal advisers and panellists themselves, and so are able to draw on experience from both sides of the hearing room.We offer bespoke training for public bodies and regulators as well as masterclasses and structured mentoring programmes. We provide annual training for many of our clients and also support the training and induction of new panellists. Sometimes we are invited in to deliver training at times of change, on the introduction of new processes or rules, or to reflect on lessons learned or audit outcomes. We also host an annual Student Fitness to Practise event attended by over 50 different High Education Institutes. Training can be delivered in our London offices or more usually at a client location but we have also provided video conferencing services to train international committee members.
We provide instruction on topics such as the public interest, the role and expected behaviour of committee members, hearings procedures, decision-making, drafting determinations, principles and practices of good questioning, ensuring fairness, case law updates, coping with the unexpected at hearings, sanctions, absence of respondent, admissibility of evidence and conflicting evidence, mitigation, standard and burden of proof, appeals and chairing skills.
Our training is routinely graded as excellent or good and we set and deliver on clear learning objectives. Our reputation is well-established and renowned among committee members and those responsible for training.
Regulatory Training
FDI Training
With the implementation of new Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) rules across Europe, acquisitive businesses in key sectors (e.g., defence, AI, healthcare, energy, telecoms) now face the need to submit their M&A deals to pre-closing regulatory filings. We are therefore offering FDI training to our clients to share insights on additional risks involved in order to help your teams plan deals accordingly.
Here's how the training can help
- Maximizing deal efficiency: FDI regulations have the potential to significantly impact the timelines and processes involved in cross-border transactions. By educating your teams on the intricacies of FDI rules, we can help them streamline the pre-closing filing process and avoid unnecessary delays.
- Identifying the right investment opportunities: The training can help you choose the target presenting the lower regulatory risk leading to completion/closing or even the right European market to invest in accordance with the current FDI enforcement risk.
- Tailored training: We provide a specialised program which is tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients and empower them with comprehensive knowledge and practical strategies to navigate the complexities of global investment and maximize their international growth opportunities.
Dawn Raid Training
Our bespoke Dawn Raid training programme will equip your team with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond swiftly and confidently in the event of an unannounced regulatory inspection.
What Our Dawn Raid Training Offers:
- Expert guidance: Our team of seasoned legal and compliance professionals will provide expert guidance on understanding the CMA's powers, the scope of dawn raids, and potential areas of scrutiny based on your sector.
- Mock Dawn Raid simulations: We will simulate a dawn raid situation/ realistic mock scenario whilst also allowing your staff time to practice their response, understand the protocols, and experience real-time simulations in a risk-free environment.
- Legal compliance and best practices: Our training will cover essential legal compliance requirements and best practices to ensure that your company operates within the bounds of competition law and maintains a strong compliance culture.
- Document management and preservation: We will educate your team on the crucial aspects of document preservation during a dawn raid, ensuring vital information is handled appropriately and in compliance with regulations.
- Building effective communication strategies: Our training will focus on preparing your team to interact with the CMA or other regulatory authorities confidently, ensuring clear and concise communication.
- Post-raid assessment: After the training, we will conduct a comprehensive post-raid assessment to identify areas of improvement and tailor ongoing support as needed.
Sign up for Dawn Raid training
Sanctions and Export
Controls Training
With the imposition of wide-ranging sanctions on Russia as well as growing sensitivities over trade in strategic goods and technology, particularly with China, organisations operating internationally need to keep fully abreast of the rapidly evolving compliance requirements.
Our training, tailored to your specific needs, can cover:
- Expert guidance: Our team
includes former officials with direct experience in drafting and
implementing sanctions and export controls. We bring 'real-world'
practical experience to our advice on how to comply in a robust but also
an efficient and proportionate way, tailored to meet the specific needs of
our clients.
- Understanding the legal
requirements: We explain in layman’s terms which regulations are relevant
to our clients, including asset freezes, other financial sanctions (on
investment, trading, credit, etc.), trade sanctions (exports, imports,
services), transport, and military and dual use export controls. We cover
UK, EU and, at a general level, US and other jurisdictions.
- Ensuring Compliance: Based on
best practice and case studies, we cover due diligence policies and
procedures, red flags, avoiding circumvention, the classification of
military and dual use goods and technology, obtaining appropriate
licences, managing audits, penalties and voluntary disclosures.
Sign up for Sanctions and Export Controls Training